

http://www.dovesay' Bapa ku yang ada disorga dan aku percaya selalu ada di dalam hatiku.......................................... aku mohon....................... jangan pernah tingalkan aku walaupun sedetik pun............... bantu aku biar selalu semangat.............. an penuh senyum dalam jiwaku untuk menghadapi hariku..................... dan bisa belajar kasih................... Aminnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn..................

Jumat, 25 Juni 2010

Diposting oleh Oneng dove

confused with capping day ceremony
i don't undersTAND about me...................
confused with my self
sadnesa with my self..........without cause
and now.i am still i dont ..............
okay.................maybe i am my friends another
maybe i am fell unable....
okey i think ..i must interested with self from
sadness and crash for no reason
i must help my self and i will and always because must....." positive thinking about my self....cause i am is good and best like true and always save and
in protecting their owners
okey.i think i must came back cause have a man was waithing in bulding house
and.....................i must ready .to ceremony night letter.........althought
do not get what I dreamed of this for the recognition and pride of a man who I love but I believe God knows I've tried, although the results are not as they should be

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Unknown mengatakan...

Smangat Smangat :D

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komen dong biar nambah info ku juga makasih




Seberapa kuat...................................................
berharga pun kenangan ......................................................................suatu saat......................... pasti akan memudar

this day

